Daftar produk berdasarkan merk Roca
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Roca Wastafel Laundry Hamito...
Rp4,950,000Hamito Vitreous china slop hopper with anti-splash board
Roca Wastafel Khroma 400 x 400
Rp2,919,600 Rp3,244,000Turun harga!Khroma Over countertop vitreous china basin
Roca Wastafel Diverta 500 x 450...
Rp3,088,800 Rp3,432,000Turun harga!Diverta Semi-recessed vitreous china basin
Roca Wastafel Debba semi recessed
Rp1,418,400 Rp1,576,000Turun harga!Debba Semi-recessed vitreous china basin
Roca Victoria Vitreous china...
Rp2,531,250 Rp3,375,000Turun harga!Dimensions: Length:370 mm. Width:680 mm. Height:775 mm.
Roca Victoria Gantungan Baju
Rp498,000Victoria Quadruple robe hook (Dapat dipasang dengan sekrup atau perekat)
Roca Victoria Built in Shower Mixer
Rp855,000Victoria Built-in shower mixer with wall mounted shower head
Roca Tutup kloset L-series premium
Rp22,059,900 Rp24,511,000Turun harga!Multiclean L-series Premium Round with side panel or remote control
Roca The gap Wastafel 550 x 410
Rp1,772,100 Rp1,969,000Turun harga!The Gap In countertop vitreous china basin
Roca Tempat Tisu Victoria
Rp567,000Victoria Toilet roll holder with cover (Can be installed with screws or adhesive)
Roca Tempat Sikat Toilet Victoria
Rp485,000Victoria Wall-mounted toilet brush holder (Can be installed with screws or adhesive)
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